The Unhealthy Living Confession...

Mommy confessions: This winter has been so brutal for me. Mostly due to stress,which ultimately leads me to eat more, drink more, and workout less. Not necessarily all unhealthy but just taking it to extremes, we all need balance and switch things up..Listening to an amazing company call about all their awesome products to fuel your body for springing into momentum! It's getting me seriously pumped to sign up for a Spartan (motivation!) and get back into feeling clean, regain mental clarity, and getting back into shape, shedding that extra 10lbs from hibernation🐻Just thinking about a 👙 is making me twitch! 😂Lol Anyone else feeling me?? I'm so excited for those who I'm currently coaching who inspire me to keep rebooting myself to be my best self possible! #springcleaning #dreamcatcher#momonamission