How do you navigate your ship?

According to psychologists, most of our thoughts lie below the level of consciousness. It is this submerged part of the consciousness, the subconscious mind, that controls our bodies. This inner control center regulates and steers the ship. It’s like an engineer deep in the bowels of the ship for it to go forth to sea, to cross the ocean and land safely upon the other side. This inner control center is simply happening for you, in this very moment… your heart is beating for you, your body is digesting, your cells are regenerating, and you are naturally breathing, without thinking. These involuntary mechanisms are life-sustaining. 

But.. the magical thing about the subconscious mind is that it does respond to suggestions. By increasing our state of awareness and connection to Source, we could rise above consciousness!

So, what suggestions do you hold in your mind to steer your ship?

We all have the ability and capability to upgrade our inner workings by taking care of nurturing them. Redirecting the inner dialogue and navigating those treacherous waters with more ease.

Psychologists also tell us…

Our subconscious mind stores everything within. An accumulation of thought suggestions of fear, limitation and lack, a continual stream of doubts and negations. Hence arises the destructive inner voice with us.

With practice, we can shift our inner awareness. Shifting that Inner chatter so it is more supportive of our journey and steers our ships in the right direction.

A mantra that I use regularly taught by the beloved Ram Das is:

“I am loving awareness”

You can keep what resonates and omit what doesn’t. Perhaps for you it is “I am awareness” or “I am loving”. You can silently repeat just the words, “I am” as a gentle reminder that steers you back home to your body.

Essentially, you will fill yourself with these loving vibrations. Free yourself with helpful suggestions to the inner mind and amplify your consciousness by repeating this mantra daily. When we come from a place of loving kindness we feel reconnected. We come back home to our true nature. We battle the destructive thoughts that flood the mind and fight them, not with fear, but with love and kindness💕

And remember, the breath is always your anchor! Keep breathing to guide your way back to your body….

Namaste my friends


Do it for yourSELF...


Develop a greater awareness for Wellness and witness the improvement of the physical and emotional benefits. Once we truly commit to a routine and practice, it physiologically creates a response in our brain, stimulating those feel good signals to do more! Once we decide to put ourselves first...when we exercise, meditate, and eat good nutritious food there's this response of pleasure seeking hormone's that notice that this feels good for us and craves more! With the many integrative holistic modalities available, we can redirect the bad habits with positive healing to encourage overall Well-Being, which all begins with Self-Love and Self-Care...

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