How do you navigate your ship?

According to psychologists, most of our thoughts lie below the level of consciousness. It is this submerged part of the consciousness, the subconscious mind, that controls our bodies. This inner control center regulates and steers the ship. It’s like an engineer deep in the bowels of the ship for it to go forth to sea, to cross the ocean and land safely upon the other side. This inner control center is simply happening for you, in this very moment… your heart is beating for you, your body is digesting, your cells are regenerating, and you are naturally breathing, without thinking. These involuntary mechanisms are life-sustaining. 

But.. the magical thing about the subconscious mind is that it does respond to suggestions. By increasing our state of awareness and connection to Source, we could rise above consciousness!

So, what suggestions do you hold in your mind to steer your ship?

We all have the ability and capability to upgrade our inner workings by taking care of nurturing them. Redirecting the inner dialogue and navigating those treacherous waters with more ease.

Psychologists also tell us…

Our subconscious mind stores everything within. An accumulation of thought suggestions of fear, limitation and lack, a continual stream of doubts and negations. Hence arises the destructive inner voice with us.

With practice, we can shift our inner awareness. Shifting that Inner chatter so it is more supportive of our journey and steers our ships in the right direction.

A mantra that I use regularly taught by the beloved Ram Das is:

“I am loving awareness”

You can keep what resonates and omit what doesn’t. Perhaps for you it is “I am awareness” or “I am loving”. You can silently repeat just the words, “I am” as a gentle reminder that steers you back home to your body.

Essentially, you will fill yourself with these loving vibrations. Free yourself with helpful suggestions to the inner mind and amplify your consciousness by repeating this mantra daily. When we come from a place of loving kindness we feel reconnected. We come back home to our true nature. We battle the destructive thoughts that flood the mind and fight them, not with fear, but with love and kindness💕

And remember, the breath is always your anchor! Keep breathing to guide your way back to your body….

Namaste my friends


75 HARD Mental Challenge

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This is probably one of thee toughest and proudest challenges I’ve ever accomplished (ok -minus carrying and delivering miracle babies into this world🙃)…

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Not sure if you can relate, but this past year I have felt a spiral out of control.. The whole world was shutting down and I realized that with the pandemic I was taking on the energy from it all (🥺empath problems).. amongst all the chaos in my own personal bubble. I tuned into gratitude and my deep spiritual practices, extending my offerings to bring about more peace and strength to channel that energy into a positive direction… but I also was doing the opposite. I realized I was also numbing myself away from those problems…trying to elude myself from all the sorrow, suffering, and pain I was feeling from the world and from my own personal family issues.. the loss and separation of two people whom I was extremely close to, the loss of income and job opportunities, disconnect from family and friends, at home again with two kids schooling, entering in to this virtual reality (did you believe this would really happen when you watched the Jetsons as a kid?🙌🏻😳). So much change and so much worry about the unknown.

Yet each day I filled up with all my blessings and tried to drudge through with hope...

So I would make excuses for myself and look forward to those glasses of wine like a badge of honor, like I deserved it. But It was bringing me down.. It didn’t serve me and I knew it but every day my mouth would salivate like pavlovs dog and I was trained to enjoy that glass. It’s only one I would think? When I realized that maybe it was a bad habit that has somehow conjured its way in, a little too much dependency on something so unworthy of my time, I realized I was in need of a BIG SHIFT AND CHANGE!

I remember my friend telling me about this mental challenge she was doing. I thought initially she was CRAZY, how could she give up her wine for 75 days?!? 🙈

But it sat with me, it resonated with me…

I knew that there was a need in me that wanted to be free of requiring anything taking control over me and so desperately wanted to take control back with these new set of rules…


  • Stick to any diet of your choice I chose intuitive eating to start mixed in with Vshred for the last 3-4weeks, again this wasn’t about the diet for me but it definitely motivated me to shift my old habits.

  • Read 10 pages a day of a non fiction book, so you learn a little something each day and fill your brain with some juicy wisdom! I did mix this in with a fiction Book Club book though. I honestly love reading so this wasn’t much of a challenge except for those nights I couldn’t keep my eyes open

  • Drink 1 gallon of water a day! This I on some days found very hard. Especially in the beginning when you feel like you’re pregnant again and have to pee a thousand times. I have done this before with my Isagenix cleanses but keeping track on which # I was on was a challenge in itself, along with remembering all the rest of the rules to stick to lol. I would find myself chugging 32 oz right before bed because I didn’t get it in throughout the day. Tea counts thankfully! :)

  • NO ALCOHOL! Eek this one was thee hardest to resist. I kept reminding myself when I was pregnant (twice!) that I was easily undisturbed by the idea of not drinking. I had life inside me and had no desire once those little miracles were seeded. If I could do it for them, then I could certainly do it for me!!! BUT It is very tempting to say the least. Some conversations are solely around this substance! Especially when the weather gets nice and you want a cold one out in the sunshine to cool you off. Lots of associations are around alcohol, you forget until you stop. You can make every excuse in the book to cheat and that it’s not the right time to stop drinking. I’ve heard it many times before from coaching people through cleanses… “I have this coming up…” or “I just can’t not drink that day”…. ok, I get it but if you have that mentality than you will ALWAYS be making excuses and never cleanse yourself from it. There is always a holiday, some event, or reasoning we develop to not commit……..Mind you that I had several family and friend BBQ functions, a bridal shower, Memorial Day weekend, a bachelorette party (!!!) but I made myself useful and was the “DD” for the night so the girls seemed happy, and I survived it all WITHOUT alcohol! If I can get through those functions without it, anyone can! This is a mental shift, anything is possible once you set your mind to it.

  • TWO 45 minute workouts… Yes, you read that correctly! Not one, but TWO! AND.. one of them has to be outdoors! Rain, shine, hot days, cold days.. I even went out for a walk when it was hailing outside one day! You HAVE to get your butt off the couch and get outside for one of those workouts! This was not my forte, I love being cozy and snuggled up on rainy days so it was definitely an effort to get me outside.. but I have to say, once I mentally got out of my head and got myself out there, it became one of my favorite parts of this challenge! My daughter would even come join me and we would run and dance in the rain together! This is one of those take-aways I will forever try to motivate myself to continue doing. Just get up and GET OUT!

  • PROGRESS PIC I am going to be honest and say this was not my top priority. I did take some but again this wasn’t a weight loss challenge for me, although it was motivating to see results… this was all about shifting my old habits for my personal journey. Everyone’s journey is different. If you listen to Andy Frisella’s podcast he explains why this is important but I have done before/afters for cleansing and I wanted to focus on the inner growth this time around.

Honestly, at first glance, these rules are quite simple but it seems a lot easier than it looks.

For me it was about a mental gain, an inner strength and wisdom within us.. our inner warrior saying we CAN and WILL do what we DECIDE to set our MIND to! There were some really tough moments during this challenge.. BIG thank you to my friends and family who got me through those rough days (especially day 40, 50, and 60 lol)!

This challenge rewired me.. Shifted my habits… was a sweet reminder that you ARE much stronger than you push past your limitations you set in your mind… to dissolve the negative self talk and relinquish the old patterns. Each day brought on its own challenge to conquer.

“One day at a time” is my new mantra.

I’m honestly going to miss it!!! And I may even be crazy enough to do it again!!

Whatever the motivating factor is for you. I hope this sits with you and resonates as some inspo to make some shifts and changes in YOUR LIFE! Listen to the podcast and it may make an impact as it did for me and countless others. Big thanks to Robyn & Eric for paving the way! Excited to have our celebratory Cheers!!! We deserve it!! 🤣

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The Art of doing Nothing..

There is an Art in doing Nothing... In our normal fast paced World, the busy-ness of Life can take a toll. Sometimes true Wellness literally takes doing absolutely nothing. Another words..take a chill pill and notice it’s powerful affects on the mind.body. AND especially spirit! :)

“Here are a few of the benefits you may experience from incorporating more relaxing or pleasurable “doing nothing” moments into your days:

  • Restorative—both mentally and physically

  • Grounding

  • Improves relationships

  • Relieves stress

  • More productive

  • Connects you with your intuition

  • Boosts creativity

  • Allows time for reflection

  • Helps to process ideas and information”

Love how simple yet powerful this act can be… read more here…

Do it for yourSELF...


Develop a greater awareness for Wellness and witness the improvement of the physical and emotional benefits. Once we truly commit to a routine and practice, it physiologically creates a response in our brain, stimulating those feel good signals to do more! Once we decide to put ourselves first...when we exercise, meditate, and eat good nutritious food there's this response of pleasure seeking hormone's that notice that this feels good for us and craves more! With the many integrative holistic modalities available, we can redirect the bad habits with positive healing to encourage overall Well-Being, which all begins with Self-Love and Self-Care...

  • Yoga

  • Reiki

  • Detoxification

  • Aromatherapy

  • Mindful Practices

  • Guided Meditation

  • Exclusive Healing Journey's

  • Workshops

  • Wellness Retreats

(Aroma)Flow with Me!

Self love and Self care are so beyond important. It is so vital to take the time for YOU, you cannot give from an empty well! Replenish and Restore with Mother Nature’s Essentials with this Divine Experience, set aside 75minutes to fill your cup, your body (and soul) will thank you :)

Rachel Lee Cronin shares a Unique AromaFlow Yoga Sesh this Saturday 3/9 @ 10a-11:15am at Purespace in Long Valley, NJ!

Ad Purespace Aromaflow.png

Join Rachel Lee Cronin (Creator of Mothers By Nature Aromatherapy, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, & Certified Aromatherapist) as she integrates the power of Aromatherapy and Pranayama (Breathwork) with the energetic functions and the healing powers of essential oils during a Soulful Guided Vinyasa flow (All Levels Welcome). Nurture with Mother Nature’s Essentials.

Cost: $35 

****Includes an Aromatherapy Gift from Mothers By Nature to bring home your experience!****

Visit to Reserve or Click BOOK NOW! :)

What Ails You?

Do you struggle with any of the following?

•ADHD/ Lack Focus / Attention
•Headaches / pain
•Mood swings / PMS / Menstrual pain
•Exhaustion / Tired
{to name a few}

🌿Mothers By Nature creates Custom Synergies by a Certified Aromatherapist 🤗 to help integrate into your daily routine and support your specific needs.. 

custom synergies

They each come with their own healing card to learn more about the properties inside!

All blended with intention for safe dilution to wear topically as a Massage or Roll on oil, Pure to diffuse and embrace their healing aromas, or in Mist for easy spritzing in your workspace..

🌿 @mothersbynature 

V i s i t t h e S h o p  🛒